
Showing posts from November, 2020

Journey of Dr Jignesh Thacker- Joint Replacement Surgeon

Trying to connect Dots from past The journey started when I took 11th science after my 10th,my parents told me to take commerce and study stress free as already my elder brother and sister has gone through science and that time trend was like students with higher rank take medicine and then engineering and last remaining will take B.Sc. So according to all they thought I m not going to get medicine as it was near impossible or difficult until someone does it. But I was firm on my decision and i asked my father to get me bile if I get more than 90% in science.  So the journey started from there and I got 410/450 in as per scenario I got MBBS in baroda medical college. In first year of MBBS I told one of  my friend that I will become Orthopaedic Surgeon and I wrote in diary also.At that time I dont have much idea about Orthopaedics.But it came from inside somehow.  So after MBBS I wants to earn some money so I started doing job and preparing for PG entrance but it's tough

Post Operative protocol after knee replacement

Once knee replacement done there's start role of post operative rehabilitation and it has definite role in patient's outcome. On Day 1 we start walking with walker and Quadriceps static exercises as well as knee Range of Motion exercises according to  Pain tolerance.  Day 2 we change the dressing and continue same exercise for 2 weeks and patient get discharge with medication and physiotherapist visit at home. After 2 weeks we remove the sutures and allow  climbing stairs and continue knee ROM exercises.  At 1 month we allow to start walking without walker and allow almost all activities.  So after knee replacement if patients follows strict discipline in post operative Physiotherapy and activities then there's successful outcome is guaranteed and patient will be pain free.

Role of Physiotherapy in Knee pain

Physiotherapy in knee pain due to Osteoarthritis is challenging as patient thinks its exercise and it will increase the pain. But Physiotherapy mainly helps in muscle stretching and reducing its spasm and increasing strength of the muscles. Physiotherapy has been used in the form of Pain Modality like IFT, TENS & short wave diathermy. Due to long standing pain muscle like quadriceps and Hamstring will go into spasm and become weak over the period of time. Physiotherapy like Quadriceps , Hamstring  and calf stretching for first few weeks and Strengthening of same muscles used to decrease disuse atrophy and increase strength as well as maintaining balance of the knee joint. For video of the stretching exercises you can watch  So Physiotherapist has a pivotal role in knee pain patients. You can follow our   Facebook  page  You can see video on  YouTube Online video  Consultation  from anywhere  You can book online appointment or visit our  Website Directly msg on  WhatsApp

Role of Lifestyle Modification in Knee Pain ?

Knee pain of old age is commonest cause why patient visit to Orthopaedic Surgeon and in Osteoarthritis of knee joint Lifestyle Modification has definite role. First and foremost if patient is obese or overweight then weight reduction will decrease the load on knee joint and it has been beneficial to the knee pain as well as overall health too. Second is Not to sit on the floor and sit cross leg because sitting on the floor as it bends the knee to the extreme and the damaged meniscus and cartilage get more damage so this Modification will hold the progression. Third is to avoid climbing stairs as it will increase the stress over knee joint and it will decrease the rate of progression of Osteoarthritis. So if we take care of few basic things  it will take care of knee joint and hold the progression of Osteoarthritis. You can follow our   Facebook  page  You can see video on  YouTube Online video  Consultation  from anywhere  You can book online appointment or visit our  Website Directly

Stages Of Osteoarthritis Knee

There are 4 stages of Osteoarthritis knee and its depending on Radiology (x-ray) of knee joint in standing. Whenever Any patient with knee pain due to old age visit us we will get a standing knee x-ray after clinical examination. Then according to x-ray we will grade the Osteoarthritis and advice our patient to get relieved from knee pain. Stages of OA knee : Grade 1 :There's Mild Medial Joint space reduction and clinically pain is on & off and pain on doing some activities only  Grade 2 : There's pain while doing most of the activity and decrease in  the joint space but no osteophyte ( extra bone ) formation  Grade 3 : There's continuous pain and discomfort as well as on xray bone on bone arthritis and osteophyte formation  Grade 4 : In this stage patient has rest pain that means while sleeping and sitting also pain is there and deformity of the knee and affected lower limb. On x-ray there's bone on bone arthritis , deformity of knee , osteophyte formation and occa

Role of Injection therapy in Osteo Arthritic Knee

Knee pain of old age is mostly due to Osteoarthritis and its debilitating condition. There's role of Weight reduction, Physiotherapy and lifestyle modification in decreasing the pain. When the stage of knee arthritis is second or third when still operation isn't indicated or patient is not willing for operation there's come the role of injection therapy in knee joint. Various types of injection therapy available are  Intra articular steroid  Lubrication therapy (Hyaluronic acid)  Biological Therapy ( Platelet rich plasma -PRP) All these injection given by specialist knee surgeon and its given in operation theater under strict aseptic precautions as any invasive procedure has chance of infection. Steroid has been given since long and it has shown beneficial effects in early stage and for short term from 6 months to 2 years. But main disadvantage is it increases the rate of osteophyte development and long term effects are not well known  and in patient with diabetes its alwa

Pre Operative Evaluation before Knee Replacement

Before knee replacement surgery (Elective Surgery) pre operative evaluation and education will decrease apprehension and improve the outcome of surgery.  Pre Operative Evaluation is for risk stratification as most of the patient undergoing knee replacement are of old age, many of them has associated comorbidities like hypertension, diabetes mellitus or chronic ailments. Proper Pre operative assessment starts with  1) Detailed History  2) Weight bearing xray of knee joints  3) General Medical Examination that includes height, weight, BMI , pulse, Blood pressure etc  4) Any dental caries , history of recent infection and any urinary infection  5) Chest x-ray , ECG , 2D Echocardiogram and Blood as well as urine test  6) Physician and cardiology consultation  7) Other specialists consultation if any associated comorbidities  So before undergoing knee replacement these are the basic protocol for risk stratification and these will reduce the per operative as well as post operative complic

Understanding and Expectation after Total Knee Replacement surgery

What to Expect From Total Knee Replacement? We will discuss the common questions , Reality vs Myth and issues associated with knee replacement surgery.  Common Questions and Fear Factors  If You know your doctor and his Speciality it will take half of your fear Whether I can walk ? You can run Whether I can sit on the floor? You can but avoid Whether I can bend my knees? Ofcourse Yes Whether you take guarantee? You have to take your own guarantee  I have seen my neighbors and some person are bedridden after surgery. ( Common Myth and Poor Understanding) Main issue associated with surgery is fear and understanding for knee replacement.  Fear comes from unknown or poorly half understood things where we can't see real picture.Knee Replacement is one of the successful surgery and blessings for knee pain patients. In knee replacement we will remove the eroded and damaged areas of your knee joint and replace it with new joints.Its 95 to 99% successful if done in properly ind

Basic Precaution to Get Relief from Knee Pain of OsteoArthritis.

In this blog we have discussed about how to get relieved from knee pain of Osteoarthritis which is commonly seen with old age. Once your doctor said that your knee is getting arthritis and it's in early stage you can take basic precautions to avoid it getting into advance stage and postpone surgery. Basic precautions are  1) Life Style Modification ( avoid sitting cross leg and sitting on the floor and minimise climbing stairs) 2) Physiotherapy ( Quadriceps and Hamstring stretching and Strengthening) knee physio 3) Swimming or walking in the water is best exercise as it offload the Joint  4) Hot fomentation   5) Basic Anti Inflammatory Medications  6) Taking vitamin D supplements and calcium supplements  7) Taking supplements to nurture cartilage  8) Reducing weight if you are obese  9) Getting Yourself Educated about Knee Osteoarthritis  10) Following Above steps (1 to 9) For Basic Physiotherapy at home you can visit  Knee physio Visit our   website Visit 

Are you right candidate to undergo Total Knee Replacement?

Hi I am Dr Jignesh Thacker; Orthopaedic & Joint Replacement Surgeon and with the best interest of patient we are running  YouTube channel hip & knee clinic and social awareness campaign. In this blog we are going to describe when to go for knee replacement surgery?  Knee Replacement is the elective procedure and its decision totally of patient's decision..when you consult a doctor ๐Ÿฅfor knee pain he or she will see you clinically and advice x-ray..when xray shows complete joint space reduction and grade 4 Osteoarthritis , Dr will advice you to undergo total knee replacement.But its patient who has to decide depending upon his/her activity of daily living (ADL) affection ๐Ÿƒ..when you have continuous knee pain , not able to walk properly and pain while doing any activities and night pain and sleep affected due to pain.When you have tried all measures like pain medication, physiotherapy, hot fomentation and lifestyle modification like avoid sitting on