Pre Operative Evaluation before Knee Replacement

Before knee replacement surgery (Elective Surgery) pre operative evaluation and education will decrease apprehension and improve the outcome of surgery. 

Pre Operative Evaluation is for risk stratification as most of the patient undergoing knee replacement are of old age, many of them has associated comorbidities like hypertension, diabetes mellitus or chronic ailments. Proper Pre operative assessment starts with 

1) Detailed History 

2) Weight bearing xray of knee joints 

3) General Medical Examination that includes height, weight, BMI , pulse, Blood pressure etc 

4) Any dental caries , history of recent infection and any urinary infection 

5) Chest x-ray , ECG , 2D Echocardiogram and Blood as well as urine test 

6) Physician and cardiology consultation 

7) Other specialists consultation if any associated comorbidities 

So before undergoing knee replacement these are the basic protocol for risk stratification and these will reduce the per operative as well as post operative complications. 

Good Pre Operative Assessment is one of the key factor for getting better outcome of any surgery. 

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