Understanding and Expectation after Total Knee Replacement surgery

What to Expect From Total Knee Replacement? We will discuss the common questions , Reality vs Myth and issues associated with knee replacement surgery. 

Common Questions and Fear Factors 
If You know your doctor and his Speciality it will take half of your fear

Whether I can walk ? You can run
Whether I can sit on the floor? You can but avoid
Whether I can bend my knees? Ofcourse Yes
Whether you take guarantee? You have to take your own guarantee 
I have seen my neighbors and some person are bedridden after surgery. (Common Myth and Poor Understanding)
Main issue associated with surgery is fear and understanding for knee replacement. 

Fear comes from unknown or poorly half understood things where we can't see real picture.Knee Replacement is one of the successful surgery and blessings for knee pain patients.

In knee replacement we will remove the eroded and damaged areas of your knee joint and replace it with new joints.Its 95 to 99% successful if done in properly indicated and done by trained joint replacement surgeon.
Person has to understand its disease of old age and basic risk associated with surgery is physical risk and associated comorbidities like DM , Hypertension etc.So proper preoperative risk stratification will reduce the complications during and after surgery. 

Coming to the questions and fear so if you go to the trained joint replacement surgeon, you have undergone proper evaluation whether you are right candidate for surgery and proper preoperative evaluation then your chances to walk, bend the knees , live and enjoy life to fullest is highest.

Last Question Is Guarantee?? Is surgery comes with Guarantee Certificate???? We are not 100% protected while going out on the road , after sleep no one guarantee whether we can see next morning or not.Life has expiry date but not mentioned what will be ours. No surgical or medical procedure comes with guarantee. Its Success Ratio which you have to see and we can assure that its 95 to 99% successful. If you Expect guarantee you may not get it anywhere in the world in written. 
In conclusion if you are right candidate for surgery and undergone  proper pre operative assessment and surgery done with trained joint replacement surgeon and you have followed post operative physiotherapy protocol then the chances of success will increase to almost 99.99%.
You can see video on FAQ for knee replacement in gujarati 
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