
Heel Pain - How to Deal with it??

In day to day routine outpatient clinics 20% patient presents with heel pain issues ; and it's most troubling the person as walking , running and even day to day activities becomes difficult & painful. Most common cause of Heel pain is plantar fasciitis and we will see plantar fasciitis how to deal with it and get it relieved. Plantar fasciitis is as the name suggests inflammation of plantar fascia of heel and most commonly seen in females. Presenting complaints will be heel pain which is more in the morning while getting out of the bed , as day passes stiffness goes down. Pain is typical of aching pain which disturbs all activities and gradually if proper care not taken it can be more troublesome.  Exact cause of the problem is not known but walking on rough surfaces increase the problem. Diagnosis is clinical , x-ray usually normal except some soft tissue shadow increase. Management: Proper care will solve most of the issue before it progresses to debilitating phase. Hot/cold

RICE formula for Fresh Injury

 In our day to day life , some of our family members or known gets minor injury and we don't know how to deal with it like whether to put pain killer spray or ice pack ? How to reduce the swelling and how to avoid increase in pain & swelling.  Minor fresh injuries never ever put painkiller spray or any gel because it generates heat and blood vessel get dilated and ultimately swelling will increase. So always put ice pack as it causes vasoconstriction and reduces pain and swelling. Give rest and immobilize the injured part If ankle or lower limb twisted avoid walking on that feet and take rest if possible, apply crepe bandage for compression. Elevate the injured part above cardiac level so swelling gets decrease. So simple formula to follow for fresh acute injury  R I C E REST  ICE  COMPRESSION  ELEVATION  If pain is severe consult orthopedic surgeon but till that time follow the RICE formula that will save the major trauma. Any query mail us on

How to deal with Ankle injury?

 Ankle injury is quite common and it happens with simple twisting injury to road traffic accident.we will going to discuss about how to deal with twisting ankle injuries. Twisting injury will cause simple sprain of ligament or fracture ; one should consult orthopedic surgeon to rule out and properly diagnose ankle injuries.  Till then home remedy will help  The remedy of ankle sprain is  R - Rest I - Ice Pack C -compression (crepe bandage) E- Elevation  One can easily avoid swelling by these measures and get rid of immediate pain and also prevent further Injury.  Follow us on   Facebook Watch our  YouTube  videos  Contact us on  WhatsApp Visit our  ecard For more information visit our  website Read our ebook Roadmap to knee Replacement on  Amazonkindle

Everything about Golfer's Elbow

Golfer's elbow is also known as medial epicondylitis, medial epicondyle has origin of flexor group of muscles.It is most commonly seen in sportsman playing golf so it's also known as golfer's elbow. Golfer's elbow presents with elbow pain over medial aspect of elbow, swelling over forearm and wrist flexion causes pain. Clinical examination shows swelling ,tenderness over medial epicondyle and resisted wrist flexion causes pain. Management includes  Hot/cold Fomentation  Physiotherapy  Elbow brace  Not to lift weight  Anti inflammatory medications   Injection Therapy  Follow us on   Facebook Watch our  YouTube  videos  Contact us on  WhatsApp Visit our  ecard For more information visit our  website Read our ebook Roadmap to knee Replacement on  Amazonkindle

All you need to know about Dequervein's Tenosynovitis

Dequervein's Tenosynovitis is one of the common cause of wrist pain specially in females,what is Dequervein's Tenosynovitis?How it affects daily activity?What are the symptoms and how to deal with it ? What's the Dequervein's Tenosynovitis? Inflammation of tendon of EPL and APB while passing through anatomical snuff box over radial side of the wrist. Etiology is not known but its common in females.It causes mild to moderate wrist pain on specific activity like lifting  weight or lifting bucket etc. Pain while ulnar deviation of wrist. In advance stage it causes swelling and pain over radial aspect of forearm. Diagnosis is by clinical examination  Typical tenderness over anatomical snuff box, occasional swelling and Finkelstein test is positive in these patients. Management of these cases are  Hot / cold Fomentation  Physiotherapy Thumb spica splint  Anti inflammatory medications  And local application of gel. In resistance cases  Local steroid will help  And last resort

What is Tennis Elbow and How to deal with it ?

  Tennis elbow is also known as Lateral Epicondylitis and it's one of the common cause of elbow pain in young and middle age population. In tennis elbow there's inflammation of common extensor origin i.e. lateral epicondyle ; it's mostly seen in tennis players due to use of backhand while playing and putting stress over it so it's known as tennis elbow.  Mostly seen in sports person as well as female who used to lift bucket and household things.Mild pain starts over lateral part of elbow and increases slowly if not taken care of.Patient has dull aching pain continuously and while lifting weight or driving. In advance stage there will be swelling over forearm and severe pain continuously. Diagnosis is by clinical examination and history, in clinical examination tenderness over lateral epicondyle will be there and cozens test will be positive.X-ray has limited value in the diagnosis or treatment.  Treatment for early stage includes hot and cold fomentation, tennis elbo

Whats is Osteoarthritis Knee?

Knee Joint is made up of femur above , tibia below and patella bone in the front.Femoral condole is covered with smooth layer of cartilage and Meniscus is in between femur and tibia that act as shock absorbers and ligaments on the side and inside the knee ( collateral and cruciate ). Osteoarthritis is degenerative progressive wear and tear of articular cartilage and meniscus.So its associated with Lifestyle , activities what we have done for longer time & weight of the body. Most Osteoarthritis is of medial side as that's the weight bearing part so most of the weight transmits from medial side of the knee joint. Knee Joint gets damaged and due to that synovium get inflamed progressively and swelling appears. Muscles around the knee joint hamstring, calf and Quadriceps start getting into spasm. And slowly it progresses we don't take proper care. In next blog we will learn about Stages Of Osteoarthritis knee. You can suggest topic in comment section  You can follow us on  Fa