All you need to know about Dequervein's Tenosynovitis

Dequervein's Tenosynovitis is one of the common cause of wrist pain specially in females,what is Dequervein's Tenosynovitis?How it affects daily activity?What are the symptoms and how to deal with it ?

What's the Dequervein's Tenosynovitis?

Inflammation of tendon of EPL and APB while passing through anatomical snuff box over radial side of the wrist.

Etiology is not known but its common in females.It causes mild to moderate wrist pain on specific activity like lifting  weight or lifting bucket etc. Pain while ulnar deviation of wrist. In advance stage it causes swelling and pain over radial aspect of forearm.

Diagnosis is by clinical examination 

Typical tenderness over anatomical snuff box, occasional swelling and Finkelstein test is positive in these patients.

Management of these cases are 

Hot / cold Fomentation 


Thumb spica splint 

Anti inflammatory medications 

And local application of gel.

In resistance cases 

Local steroid will help 

And last resort is surgery ( releasing tendon sheath over it to release tendons)

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