What is Tennis Elbow and How to deal with it ?


Tennis elbow is also known as Lateral Epicondylitis and it's one of the common cause of elbow pain in young and middle age population.

In tennis elbow there's inflammation of common extensor origin i.e. lateral epicondyle ; it's mostly seen in tennis players due to use of backhand while playing and putting stress over it so it's known as tennis elbow. 

Mostly seen in sports person as well as female who used to lift bucket and household things.Mild pain starts over lateral part of elbow and increases slowly if not taken care of.Patient has dull aching pain continuously and while lifting weight or driving. In advance stage there will be swelling over forearm and severe pain continuously.

Diagnosis is by clinical examination and history, in clinical examination tenderness over lateral epicondyle will be there and cozens test will be positive.X-ray has limited value in the diagnosis or treatment. 

Treatment for early stage includes hot and cold fomentation, tennis elbow brace , physiotherapy, medication. In advance stage after trial of above method if pain persists injection therapy like local steroid injection or Platelet Rich Plasma will help. In resistance case only surgery can be done like release of common extensor origin.

So main goal of treatment is to give time to heal the lateral epicondyle inflammation and do stretching of extensors.

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