RICE formula for Fresh Injury

 In our day to day life , some of our family members or known gets minor injury and we don't know how to deal with it like whether to put pain killer spray or ice pack ? How to reduce the swelling and how to avoid increase in pain & swelling. 

Minor fresh injuries never ever put painkiller spray or any gel because it generates heat and blood vessel get dilated and ultimately swelling will increase. So always put ice pack as it causes vasoconstriction and reduces pain and swelling.

Give rest and immobilize the injured part

If ankle or lower limb twisted avoid walking on that feet and take rest if possible, apply crepe bandage for compression.

Elevate the injured part above cardiac level so swelling gets decrease.

So simple formula to follow for fresh acute injury 






If pain is severe consult orthopedic surgeon but till that time follow the RICE formula that will save the major trauma.

Any query mail us on drjigneshthacker@gmail.com


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