
Showing posts from August, 2021

Heel Pain - How to Deal with it??

In day to day routine outpatient clinics 20% patient presents with heel pain issues ; and it's most troubling the person as walking , running and even day to day activities becomes difficult & painful. Most common cause of Heel pain is plantar fasciitis and we will see plantar fasciitis how to deal with it and get it relieved. Plantar fasciitis is as the name suggests inflammation of plantar fascia of heel and most commonly seen in females. Presenting complaints will be heel pain which is more in the morning while getting out of the bed , as day passes stiffness goes down. Pain is typical of aching pain which disturbs all activities and gradually if proper care not taken it can be more troublesome.  Exact cause of the problem is not known but walking on rough surfaces increase the problem. Diagnosis is clinical , x-ray usually normal except some soft tissue shadow increase. Management: Proper care will solve most of the issue before it progresses to debilitating phase. Hot/cold